Efficient Resource Analysis with eResource Scheduler

 Resource analysis is one of the critical success factors for effective project management. An intelligent resource management tool always acts like a magic wand for resource managers and project managers. The eResource Scheduler is an award-winning, cloud-based, highly configurable tool that enables project managers to access the resource capacity vs demand for seamless project delivery. eRS helps business users leverage intelligent dashboards and reporting tools to identify any gaps in resources and then have a hiring plan in place in case of a requirement. This one-stop resource management solution also helps project managers to intuitively do the productivity analysis of resources.

End-to-end resource analysis involves a multitude of tasks, including defining project scope, configuring resource pull, cost analysis, optimizing resource allocation, etc. Let’s deep dive and understand the different processes:

Building a centralized resource pool:

The first and foremost step in resource management is configuring a resource pool. The centralized resource pool paints a clear picture of all the attributes of resources like capacity planning, demand, project scope, location, time zones, skill sets, availability, etc. eRS allows project managers to bulk upload resource details to a centralized resource database by leveraging Excel templates or APIs. It even enables resource managers to define configurable resource forms with an option of 100+ customizable fields. The application provides a central view of resources to all resource managers across the globe.

Creating a project scope and timeline: 

Once the resource pool is configured, it is now time to look at projects in the pipeline and do a capacity vs. demand analysis of resources. Based on resource availability, create a high-level project plan with critical milestones in place.

Efficient Scheduling:

Hiring qualified resources is not only attributed to delivering successful outcomes for business but also effectively utilizing resources, which is the other critical factor for successful on-time delivery of projects. The eRS Cloud tool is customized for business users to efficiently utilize their resources. The entire process, which includes identifying resources, configuring them into central dashboards, and scheduling skilled resources on projects, is streamlined with eRS. By using our tool within a second, you can do efficient resource allocation with a simple drag and drop feature.

Availability Report and Utilization Report of eRS:

Details about the availability of resources are vital for decision-making while starting any new projects and to create an effective hiring plan. The accessibility report of the eRS tool provides real-time accurate and integrated availability of resource data at all levels. This helps in making efficient resourcing and hiring plans for the short, medium, and long term. Resource utilization in any organization needs to be accurately measured and reported to get optimal resource utilization. eRS uses algorithms to measure and report on resource utilization at all levels. These reports are highly configurable and provide the information required for management decision-making and hence optimize resource utilization effectively.

Realtime view of the centralized Dashboard:

Accurate and real-time Information is the driving factor for effective resource management. eRS Cloud resource management software tool gives an easy-to-use dashboard for business users that allows key information accessible on one single screen. This smart and intelligent dashboard provides real-time insights into resource capacity, resource utilization, resource availability, project milestones, etc., and then alerts the stakeholders for areas that need immediate attention.

Are you ready to level up your game? Then sign up for a fully functional free trial today with 24*7 support from our experts. 


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